Flash effects

This week we begin our final assult on Russia. The completed Lab 6 is due today (but you have until late Wed to make changes). If you are having issues, *please* let me know.

With lab 7 the goal is for you to create your first "rich" movie in terms of content, design, and functionality. Spend enough time to get it looking good (and working correctly). We are learning about smaller effects that can add considerable polish to your Flash projects. Splash screens, rollover effects like pop-up windows, and hyperlinks.

It is also time to start thinking about potential final project topics. We will be using Flash as the presentation program for the final projects so I want you to be comfortable with it and have a wide range of options for tackling your project. Here is a nice final project from a few years ago: Vikings  

And lastly, even names are spatial: http://www.babynamewizard.com/name-mapper or the other neat variation: http://www.babynamewizard.com/voyager#

Weekly Blog Maps

Ok, here is a list of the maps I'd like you to find and post to your blog to build the collective library of neat and cool and inspirational. Maps can be animated, interactive, or a combo. Please add with your post a brief explanation about why you selected it. 

1/29: Neat animated or interactive map (any topic)

2/5: Map that uses buttons to move through temporal data (flip-book style)

2/12: Map with a well-crafted timeline

2/19: Map that allows the user to turn visible elements on and off using buttons

2/26: Map that uses motion tween effects (objects that move across the map but do not morph)

3/6: Map that uses shape tween effects (objects that move across the map; transition in/out; change color/size/shape)

3/19: Map that incorporates a splash screen (map itself is shown after introductory screen(s)). 

3/26: Map that utilizes some neat effect not yet covered (panning; zooming; camera effects; scale changes; unusual rollovers; surprise me!)

4/9: Good use of 3D for a map (preferably interactive or animated)

4/16: One last chance to find an interesting map of any style, any topic. Could relate to final projects, but not required. 

Thursday March 7th: Lab day

Today we are having a lab day. Both Labs 5 & 6 (Motion & Shape Tweens) are underway. If you opt to work somewhere else, I don't mind today. But make sure you actually work on your Motion Tweens. I will grade Lab 5's on Monday so I can send out feedback before Lab 6 is due (Tues March 19th). 

Invasion of Russia

We're delving into historical cartographic animations today. The map we are using is a bit complicated since it is trying to portray a temporal component in a static map. I want to give you a link to a map that is a simplified version of the original. It does not have enough detail to make the animation, but it may assist in your interpretation of the original map. Here is also the Wiki reference on the event (with more graphics). It is quite helpful to have a color version of the original map (hence, the handout). Lab 5is much easier from a scripting standpoint but more complicated from a graphics/design/visualization standpoint. If you find handy tricks or hints, please post comments to this post for all to see. Thanks!!

oh, and here are a few finished examples from the past (include shape tweens, splash screens, rollovers, and more):

Jeremy's lab 5 map

Jeremy's lab 7 final map

Javier's Lab 7 final map

Lab 4 and 5

Due to sick kid, I have not been able to tinker with Lab 4's (sorry!). I will push back the due date more and I won't start grading them until the end of the weekend.  If you still need help, let me know!

Today we are going to officially begin Lab 5 and start Motion Tweening. We are also going to start learning about Shape Tweening with our Topic Overview group. 

Lab 5's due date will be next *Thursday* March 7th (instead of the typical Tuesday). We will start Lab 6 next Tuesday, but it will not be due until after Spring Break. Lab 5, 6 and eventually Lab 7 build upon each other.