Flash effects

This week we begin our final assult on Russia. The completed Lab 6 is due today (but you have until late Wed to make changes). If you are having issues, *please* let me know.

With lab 7 the goal is for you to create your first "rich" movie in terms of content, design, and functionality. Spend enough time to get it looking good (and working correctly). We are learning about smaller effects that can add considerable polish to your Flash projects. Splash screens, rollover effects like pop-up windows, and hyperlinks.

It is also time to start thinking about potential final project topics. We will be using Flash as the presentation program for the final projects so I want you to be comfortable with it and have a wide range of options for tackling your project. Here is a nice final project from a few years ago: Vikings  

And lastly, even names are spatial: http://www.babynamewizard.com/name-mapper or the other neat variation: http://www.babynamewizard.com/voyager#