Posterous sign-ups

For those of you trying to set up a Posterous account for the first time, that part of the site continues to be down. It is not your computer or browser or internet connection. Apparently it has been an issue for over a week (so says online reports). 

What to do? Don't worry about it at this point. I may need to jump ship and have us use a different blogging site if it doesn't get rectified super soon. I'll let you know asap what course we will take. 

For those of you with prior Posterous accounts, you shouldn't have any issue logging in and modifying or creating new spaces. I won't add your blog to the class blog until I know if Posterous is viable. 

Thanks for being patient!


You found the class site. Good start!

Go ahead and set up your own blog (aka "Space" in Posterous-speak). Add a photo of yourself so I can start to connect your smile to your name. Then email a link to your page along with your name (whatever variation you'd like to be called this semester) to me ( . Do this today.

Once the blog web addresses start rolling in, I'll add them to this main class site. Then you can subscribe to the rest of the class and use the Reader to track what everyone is doing. Easy!

And one last thing -- you need a first post. Find an interactive or animated map online that you really like (any topic). Depending on the site, you may be able to download the movie/animation to your machine and then upload it to Posterous. If so, great. If it is an interactive site, you probably cannot, so try to take a picture of the page (screen shots are crude but easy), post that to your blog along with a link to the actual page. With either approach, add a few sentences to the post explaining why you selected it. What about it caught your eye?