Lab 9: Google Building Maker and Trimble SketchUp

This week's lab is starting off a bit different. Instead of a printed write-up, I'm posting all the information here on the class blog. The online resources for this lab are really well done and I feel this is the easiest way to connect you to them.

The goal of this week's lab is to play around with 3D modelling. Specifically, we will be using Google's Building Maker and Trimble's SketchUp programs to design 2 separate structures, the later placed in Google Earth in the correct geographic location. Both programs are crafted to integrate smoothly with Google Earth -- in fact, Google is really encouraging people to design structures that can be submitted, reviewed, and potentially accepted into their 3D Building layer in Google Earth.

Part 1: SketchUp 

Trimble's SketchUp ( ) is a full modeling program that enables you to create and manipulate 3D structures. For this lab we will be using the free version of SketchUp 8. 

SketchUp has video tutorials that guide you through the main elements of the program. I recommend you watch the first video to see the possibilities of the program: and click on "New to SketchUp"

Translating a mental image into a 3D digital object can take some practice. To get you familiar with the main tools in SketchUp and how to manipulate the space, you will create a Geogamathing: a new invention that changes the way you interact with your world. Design your Geogamathing in SketchUp and add colors/textures. When you are happy with it, “Export” it as a “2D Graphic” and post it on your blog. Add a description that explains what your Geogamathing does and how to use it.

Part 2: Google Building Maker and SketchUp 

Now that you have crafted something in SketchUp, we are going to create a 3D model of a real world structure. We will start with Google’s Building Maker, save our basic structure in the Google 3D Warehouse, then import it into SketchUp to add specific details. Finally, we will place it in Google Earth. This video shows you the steps:

Google's Building Maker program helps you give dimension to imagery already in Google Earth. Building Maker is not a full 3D modeling program but rather a tool in Google Earth that gives you the ability to define the size and shape of a building based on different imagery angles. Google's hope is that the online community (you!) will help build up its database of 3D structures if given the tools to do so. -- it may take a moment to load so be patient. 

I'd recommend scanning through their newbie page before you start to get a sense of how it works.  You may select *any* building…but do select one that is more than a basic rectangle.

After you have the basic structure oriented and aligned in Building Maker, upload it to the 3D Warehouse (when saving, make sure you click on “Additional options” and deselect “This building is complete and ready for review”). Then, from the 3D Warehouse, download the model as a SketchUp 8 file.

Once you are satisfied with your building, go ahead and upload the finished version to the 3D Warehouse. In the uploading window, select it as “Google Earth Ready” and give your model any additional descriptions.

To get credit for this part of the lab, you need to open your building in Google Earth and take a picture of it in all its glory. Post the pic on your blog along with a description of what it is and where it is located. Easy! (and hopefully fun too!)

This lab is due Tuesday, April 16th at 10:30am.